Today, testimonies, documents, and other records that enable us to understand the history of the Japanese content industry are becoming increasingly valuable. For this reason, we have established the History of Content Industry Archives Research Center to create digital archives of primary documents of Japanese content and culture—including IT, video games, manga, anime, and the internet culture—and to bequeath them to future generations.

- 202411/12
Notice of Center Name Change
We are pleased to announce that the name of this center has been changed from Historical Archives Research Center to History of Content Industry Archives Research Center, effective November 12, 2024.
We look forward to your continued support.
- 202410/08
Dialogue Inoue Shinichiro/Hamamura Hirokazu
- 202402/06
【Internet culture】 “Father of the Japanese Internet." We interviewed with Dr. Jun Murai.
On November 22, 2023, we conducted an oral history interview with Dr. Jun Murai, a computer scientist who is known as the "father of the Internet in Japan.” The interview mainly focused on the technology and communities that existed during the early days of the Internet.
Interviewer: BAN Ryuichiro (Researcher)
Japan is a leading creator of expressive culture in the modern age. Its content industry has exerted a significant influence on societies across the world, and its modern and comprehensive cultural and creative industry has developed a considerable presence both in Japan and overseas. The mission of the Historical Archive Research Center is to collect from far and wide primary documents that relate to the people, objects, and events that shaped this history; to establish an archive to preserve these documents; and to make these documents available to the public for research, education, business creation, and other social uses.