
Masato Wakayama
ZEN University is a new university dedicated to making a significant positive impact on today's global society. Through internships in collaboration with companies and seminars by project implementers, ZEN University offers students with diverse opportunities to organically connect with society. Regardless of the career paths students choose after graduation, face-to-face communication is crucial. Without it, social progress, human happiness, and a sense of fulfillment cannot be achieved. At ZEN University, students seeking to enrich their lives through an online environment will not only receive on-demand instruction from nationally and internationally recognized faculty members, but will also be guided through small-group discussions by faculty members who are also outstanding researchers. This educational environment will fosters the acquisition of Japanese language proficiency and effective communication skills.
In today's world, where AI is ubiquitous, accurate information exchange is essential. There is an increasing demand for individuals who understand and can operate IT, including AI. Cultivating talents capable of fulfilling this role is what we at ZEN University consider our mission. By offering online classes, ZEN University will free up more time for students, allowing them to gain a variety of experiences with researchers and companies through which they will acquire a good balance of IT competencies and decision-making skills to tackle the complex challenges that arise in society. I believe that ZEN University is the place to acquire the true power to shape and take responsibility for the world of the 21st century.

Shinichi Yamanaka
A major feature of the university is that, unlike many other distance learning universities, we plan to welcome recent high school graduates rather than working adults. At ZEN University, students can receive high-quality university education from anywhere because classes are conducted online. Online learning expands opportunities for everyone to attend university. This includes those who wish to study online and challenge themselves at their own pace, as well as high school students in rural areas who may have given up on going to university because there are no universities nearby. Through regular communication with faculty and peers, students will acquire digital literacy skills.
Opportunities to participate in internships and social problem-solving projects across the country will provide students the practical ability to tackle issues facing society after they graduate. ZEN University is an online university originating from Japan. In an educational environment that values diversity, encapsulated in the word 'ZEN', meaning whole, good, and natural, students will not only acquire practical digital skills, including AI, but also interdisciplinary knowledge and abilities. I look forward to the future of our students, who will be at the forefront of an information society advancing alongside AI.

Fernando M. Reimers
Ford Foundation Professor of the Practice in International Education and Director of the Global Education Innovation Initiative at Harvard University.
I find the concept of ZEN University to be bold and imaginative, potentially disruptive in addressing some enduring challenges faced by traditional higher education institutions such as barriers to access and the difficulty of helping students gain competencies which prepare them to solve vexing problems and to establish a solid foundation for lifelong learning.
ZEN University plans to be an online university that leverages the power of digital tools and artificial intelligence to offer students the opportunity to gain mastery in mathematics and digital skills to solve complex problems. Through proposed partnerships with companies, public sector organizations and nongovernmental organizations, students will benefit from apprenticeship based and online learning, therefore optimizing the opportunities to develop procedural as well as conceptual knowledge. More importantly, in a program that will be delivered to a great extent, online, students will gain the self-management skills to learn independently, in this way obtaining the essential skills for lifelong learning. Of particular value is the fact that the courses offered by ZEN university will be available to students living anywhere in Japan, at a lower cost than the existing residential programs. This will democratize access to higher education, overcoming the barriers resulting from ability to pay, the need to earn a living and location of residence.
I have collaborated with some of the members of the founding team of ZEN University and, on that basis, believe that this ambitious undertaking will be executed with high levels of quality, and with great attention to establishing protocols that will ensure continuous and rapid improvement in search of delivering the greatest value to students, so that in gaining access to higher education, they can expand their own freedoms as well as gain the skills to collaborate with others in improving the communities of which they are a part.
I salute the founders of ZEN University for this audacious idea and look forward to following up on its execution in the years to come.